Joshua 24:14-15 "Now Therefore fear the Lord & serve him in sincerity & in Truth. Choose you this day whom ye wll serve;"
Thus said the Holy Spirit of our living God Jesus Christ, “Double minded Christians must make a decision, serve either me or he that’ll be imprisoned! If you don’t want to be used by me in these End times, you’ll be removed & continue to be blind.
Stop being double minded but be reminded, that I shall save you from being divided. Get your life right & truly repent, and I shall hear from heaven and save you from your torment! Get baptized in my name, & you’ll never be ashamed!
Don’t turn back to your evil wicked ways, or you shall become like Lot’s wife as I ended her days! Continue to do my will and I shall provide, & you shall become my true bride! Stop being a lukewarm Christian, & I shall show you why you are in existence!
This is a warning from the Almighty, choose whom you’ll serve & stand beside me! Worship me in spirit & in truth, and you shall never ever be mute! ”Says the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ!
Life is a Maze. We are all seeking the one and only true way to eternal salvation & deliverance.
(This Part has been added during the typing of this word on the Computer, while I was being led by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ!) Before I share further on this word from the Lord, about the next pandemic 2022 & this maze called life, let it be known to all that have their spiritual ears to hear, and their spiritual eyes opened to see what the Lord Jesus Christ wants his people to hear and see, to do in the times that we are currently living in. What is the word from the Lord to his people, especially the word for his shepherds that have chosen the path of serving him God Almighty Jesus Christ! In reality, you have truly left him, says the spirit of the Lord!
I sat on this word for several days, waiting on the Lord Jesus Christ as instructed by him! Asking the Lord for permission of when to release this word daily since he gave it to me. On July 7, 2021, at around 7AM in the morning, the Lord spoke to me in the spirit and told me to release this Prophetic word. I have been the watchman that he sent me here to be, from the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and not by man! To warn his people regarding what is coming, but many of his people continue to harden their hearts, only seeking a sugar-coated word from the Lord. They forget that the Lord is also the God of Justice and Order. And he is also the God who desires mercy & not sacrifice! But he said that many have taken advantage of his kindness and mercy, neglecting the many testimonies he has given to us regarding Israel in the old testament!
Many so-called men & women of God have even turned their backs on him, believing and trusting in the ways of this world, the humanly wisdom and education, instead of truly seeking the heart of the father Jesus Christ. They have been pushing God’s people further into destruction by the enemy, pushing them further away from him The Almighty. Trusting in the knowledge and wisdom of science and man, but not trusting in him The Almighty! Oh Shepard’s of the Lord, hear and heed this word from the Lord, their blood is now in your hands! You shall reap what you have sown says the Spirit of the Lord! Truly Repent & turn from your wicked pride! ( Read Ezekiel 34:1-31)
(The actual word from the Lord Jesus Christ, given to me & Written on 6/23/2021 @ 9:47 AM – 10:00 AM)
As I was sitting in my car after my therapy appointment at home, watching a word from the Lord that I have been warning about. This word came to me through the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ! I began writing these words from the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit of the Lord say’s, that 2022 will be a year when many deaths shall continue to happen. He said that people think that CV-19 is bad, but what’s coming which was created by man will be much worse! The Almighty is allowing it to happen, just as he allowed the devil to tempt Job! It is a dry run, just as the enemy is creating his dry run, conditioning God’s people to receive the soon to come, Mark of The Beast! But it shall come to pass, it will happen to some men & women of God to test their faith, to see who they really depend on for deliverance & salvation!
Thus says the Spirit of our living God Jesus Christ, depend on me for salvation and deliverance, because this mortal life that you’re living in, is just as a leaf blown by the wind, as the wind picks it up and blow it away, so shall your sins be when you depend and call upon me!
I shall cleanse & heal you in my time, but you must truly repent with a true heart of repentance, not only to me but unto your brethren. Humble yourselves before me, get baptized in the only name that you shall get salvation from & for the remissions of your sins! (Acts 2:38)
Then I shall heal & cleanse you! Don’t expect death within this mortal world a bad thing, if you’re truly saved and reborn in my name! So truly repent and turn from your evil wicked ways, and I shall hear from heaven and heal your maze! Says the Holy Spirit of our living God Jesus Christ!