
The Truth About Good Friday

This video is a clip the Holy Spirit of Yeshua led me to put together for this day many Christians call, Good Friday. I share what I have learned about the subject of The Crucifixion of Yeshua HaMasiach.

In this clip, I share a scripture that Yeshua’s Holy Spirit led me to, and to tag on to what brother Dave Robbins of Endtime Ministries, shares on this subject.

The full youtube video to the Endtime ministries video can be found at this link. Listen with an open heart, and your spiritual ears to a word and sharing from his Holy Spirit.

May God Bless you all, and may you all have a blessed and safe Resurrection Sunday, in Yeshua’s name. Soifua, ona o Iesu. .

With Sincerity & Much Love,
LouSunia The-Watchman